Happy Thanksgiving

From David K. Buran Dentistry

Happy Thanksgiving from David K. Buran DentistryThanksgiving Day is almost here and offers the perfect time for everyone here at David K. Buran Dentistry to say “thank you” for the opportunity to serve you. David K. Buran Dentistry is thankful for having you as loyal customers. And we thank you for your business and the opportunity to provide you and your family with quality dentistry service.

David Buran wants to be your preferred dentist. And we extend to you and your family Happy Thanksgiving Day Greetings as we reflect on this appropriate holiday quote: (more…)

Repairing a Chipped Tooth

Chipping a tooth normally isn’t the worst thing that can happen to your smile – unless of course it’s a really big chip or break. But in most cases, if the chip or crack is small, your teeth can be repaired with dental tooth bonding. Dental bonding is a procedure used to correct dental gaps, chips, small cracks and a variety of cosmetic dental problems.

Fix the Chip with Dental Tooth Bonding

Dental tooth bonding involves applying a tooth-colored resin material to the tooth, and then hardening that resin with a special light. This light activates the resin to bond to the tooth, restoring and correcting your smile.

Tooth bonding is appropriate for a variety of conditions:

